© 2010 Travis Beware the Wildlife

Beware the Wildlife

While Haerbin is best known for its Snow and Ice Festival every year, there’s also a really cool Siberian Tiger park to the north of the city. Not only are there several hundred Siberian tigers roaming around, the park is not as regulated as zoos and wildlife parks in the US. That means that you actually get to see the tigers acting like, well, tigers. While I would not like to get too close, they are absolutely magnificent animals. More pictures available in the photo gallery.


  1. J. Farr
    Posted November 17, 2010 at 3:18 am | #

    So, were you just roaming around outside of your jeep when you took this! Wow, they look a little hungry!

  2. Travis
    Posted November 17, 2010 at 9:22 am | #

    Yeah, we were hiding behind a tree hoping they wouldn’t see us :-)